Photo by Ben Hershey on Unsplash; Graphics: TDLN
Good Luck Whatcom County Prep Football
September 1, 2019
- Doug Lange Bellingham
Happy Labor Day! The Whatcom County prep football season begins right around the corner. As always there is plenty of excitement about all the great teams making a run at state.
A difference for 2019...TDLN is turning the reigns over to WhatcomPreps.com and Tyler Anderson for coverage. Earlier this summer, Tyler expressed an interest to leave the broadcast booth and return to the sidelines to cover multiple games each weekend. That combined with my wife's numerous expressed requests to actually get to see her husband during the fall has led to the decision to continue a hiatus of sorts for The Doug Lange Network.
The lovely Julie and I will finally get to spend some true weekend time together (and go on a needed vacation) as I pursue a couple of projects and continue to figure out a balance between this hobby of mine and life. Plus I get to explore some opportunities moving forward. All the while, local prep football coverage couldn't be in better hands with Tyler.
Jeff and I both agree Tyler was the true engine behind our games and the Cover 3 Podcast last season. His dedication to telling the story of every team and player is amazing. His love of game film and stats is unmatched (thank goodness). Simply put, he loves the game and it shows bright and bold. The best moment of last season was getting Tyler to the T-Dome for his first ever state championship game. Just look at that smile!
Tyler says he will be available to check in with an interview each month during the season for a pigskin update. Hopefully Jeff can join us when he's not delivering your mail or chasing after our biggest fan in Brady! So be checking back for that! In the meantime, I will be adding to the game archives with broadcasts from basketball, baseball & soccer from 2018.
Be looking for a blog from me now and then (have to admit I didn't do so great at that during the summer) and some brain droppings on social media.
I want to wish all the teams the best of success this fall and I am looking forward to taking in a few games this season as a fan (got a nephew to support and root for).
Now go bring that big state championship trophy back to Whatcom County!
- Doug Lange

Years in the making, Tyler arrives at the T-Dome. Photo: Doug Lange
Thanks for listening to the Cover 3 Crew & best of luck to all our teams in 2019! Photo: Doug Lange